White as Sin redefines the conversation about race relations by addressing the fundamental question—Why? Why is America's history so stained with the horrors of racial oppression? And why does racial dysfunction continue to bedevil both the Church and the broader society?
I've spent my entire adult life asking this "why" question and many years researching the answer. That answer goes far beyond colorblind escapism, Kumbaya encounters, or enhanced diversity skills. White as Sin offers a whole new paradigm for racial healing.
The fundamental problem is spiritual in nature. I call it racial haughtiness. Tracing this immoral constant from the fifteenth century to the present, I explore its various manifestations and establish a chain of moral responsibility to which contemporary white Christians must respond. To help us in that response, White As Sin  offers a biblically-inspired outline for change that promotes personal moral transformation, insists on genuine racial justice, and lays a foundation for the beloved community.

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New Offerings from Scott

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Recently, I've been writing about redress/reparations, a topic I discuss at some length in my book. These two latest articles supplement the biblically-based book material, looking at reparations from the perspective of moral philosophy/legal theory (The Incisive Relevance of Nemo Dat) and a historical/sociological point of view (Will White People Ever Support Reparations?). You can find them at: https://www.scottgarber.com/current_essay.html.

Also now available is a recent sermon I did on the broader subject of redress, with a particular focus on racial redress. Find "Beyond Apologies: Redressing Offenses" at:

And if you've not yet read the big picture, don't miss my definitive work,
White as Sin: A New Paradigm for Racial Healing. CLICK HERE to get your copy today.
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